Trying to pick a piece of art, without understanding how it fits into your life, can be frustrating. Whereas if you are clear on what you’re looking for, you can have that feeling of knowing immediately when you see it. You’ve spent hours and days putting thought into how to get just the right feeling in your room, or maybe you've just been staring at the walls hoping they will speak to you and give you the guidance you need. Here is an alternate and specific method to view art and to identify artwork that could be an uplifting component to your living spaces, helping you to recognize the art that will really help you in your life. 1. Pick a space in your home or office. Stop and ask yourself - “When I am in this space, how is it that I want to feel?” Depending on the room or the space, you may want to feel differently. Let’s say, you come home from work, you’re tired, maybe frustrated, things could feel a bit rocky. OR You may even feel great! How do you want to feel in this space? What would be nourishing? It is essential for you to explore the possibilities of how you want to feel in your room, or what I call quality of being. Some words that describe a quality of being, meaning, a way that you may want to feel, are: inspired, calm, soothed, safe, happy, nourished, vibrancy, full of life. These are just a few, and you may have some different kinds of qualities that would be more authentic to you. Choose 1 - 3 qualities that you would soak up like a sponge if they were to be found in that space. 2. Identify colors that you love to be around, love to wear, never tire of, colors that are truly you. Are those colors rich and deep, strong? Are they soft and muted or pastel? Or a mix of excitement and quietness? You may want to include colors in nature, the sky on a summery day, strawberries, the blues and grays of winter, the foam in the sea, fragrant woodlands. These metaphors create feelings of atmosphere. This process is easy, it’s like dreaming. When you ponder upon your colors, qualities of being and nature, you are better informed about what you may want in your surrounding that offers a gentle support. Art serves its audience in many ways. I believe that when you view art, you are often moved to connect to something dynamic, whether a familiar place, a concept or a feeling. If you want to go about viewing art in a reversed method, looking for the parts that lift you up and for the colors that breathe life into you, you can discover a whole new angle of reference. When it comes to making a change in a personal space, you need to explore the possibilities of how you want to feel in your room. Recognizing the art that will really help you in your life empowers you to make choices that will better serve you. Pinpointing the supporting qualities that you want to be surrounded with is like finding a part of yourself, a treasure once hidden, now brought to light. Past Articles you don't want to miss: Why All Those Squares, Anyway? The Hyannis Port Series below displays the process of a large painting: Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Store Update I am in the process of adding a store to my website from where you may collect my original Landscapes and Modern works, from tiny paintings to large wall pieces. The progress is going well, and to be quite honest, the deeper I dig into it, the more I'm finding that I needs to be done. Kinda like when I'm painting my bathroom. Working like a dog, and still have a goal of mid January to go live. In the meantime, if you have any ideas of what might be important to you please write a quick note to me. I’m super happy to create this opportunity for you! Get the free e-bookIet, "How Do I Want to FEEL in My Room?" I designed this little booklet to help you dream a little bit about art in your personal spaces, about paintings that go beyond art principles and décor. You'll find images of artwork and thoughts about surroundings.. Each page features an image of a painting and a thought about the qualities it holds, the FEELINGS that a painting may exude in a room. Plus, you will receive a once a month Studio Art letter where I share my thoughts, a behind-the-scenes look at the life of an artist - stories behind the paintings, what inspires me, how I develop a painting and much more. Just fill in the form below, and you'll receive the book by email within 24 hours. I won’t ever share your email info with anyone else. And you can unsubscribe anytime you like. "I love your book! It is both eloquent and beautiful."
- L. C., Santa Rosa, CA "Thank-you Jill! It's a lovely booklet! It's inspiring, and makes me want to rethink my "space"! - D. B., Sonoma County
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Luminous Color Explorations
My name is Jill Keller Peters, and I am passionate about using color as a language to Archives
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