"Hyannis Port" Color Field Oil Painting, (formerly called Blue-Green Oil Painting in Process)8/17/2016 I have completed the "blue-green" painting. It matches with the feeling that I wanted to project, a lovely, sunny day on Cape Cod: The light, the sun and water and the salty quality of the air. I made a number of changes on it at the end, an agonizingly slow process. I have to have a lot of patience toward the conclusion of many of my paintings because it's natural to want to resolve all the imbalances and harmonies when something seems off. I'm really happy with it. Please Click on each image for an explanation of the final changes below. Abstract oil painting, color field painting, modernist painting, fine art, interior design, home decor
Luminous Color Explorations
My name is Jill Keller Peters, and I am passionate about using color as a language to Archives
August 2020
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